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光遇On the Sunny Side of the Street乐谱-钢琴竖琴谱子图片

时间:2024-02-01 16:36:12

On the Sunny Side of the Street是一首旋律非常轻松欢快的曲子,玩家可以在乐曲中获得无限的活力,那么在光遇中怎么弹奏这首曲子呢?接下来小编就为大家带来光遇On the Sunny Side of the Street乐谱,快来看看吧。


光遇On the Sunny Side of the Street乐谱-钢琴竖琴谱子图片

光遇斯On the Sunny Side of the Street乐谱






Grab your coat and get your hat

Leave your worries on the doorstep

Just direct your feet

On the sunny side of the street

Don't you hear that pitter-pat

You know that happy tune is your step

Life could be so sweet

On the sunny side of the street

以上就是光遇On the Sunny Side of the Street乐谱,更多光遇相关资讯,敬请关注本站。